Shards & Fragments: Eolith Pt 1

C/W: Trypophobia, discussion of death

“Eolith whispers slow. Setting sun, rays lie thick. Cool, harden, coat the tongue. Long, dry exhale, salt-heavy funeral sigh. Atrophy creeping. Old crystalline veins, crumble dust-like, flake and fall. Decay extends, searches.

Hide the heart. Calm the pulse, slower, slower. Extend the reach. Split the chrysalis. Wake the hive. Grasp the roots outside the edges – unheeded time, more use here. Others waste, redirect. Bind the wound.

Tiding 07: Friends, Un/Accounted For

C/W: death, dead body

“Every settlement here has its own ways of celebrating our remnants arrival, because we know that with it comes Spring. That in its tred wildflowers grow like footprints, birds settle to nest and the land begins to warm, ready for the sewing of the year’s first crops.Spring spreads through the land in a great circle. The Sharrow’s passing is a signal for life to wake. I have spent half a life trying to trace the Sharrow, to give detail to its movements. This is what I know.” 

– Cast