Embrace 03: Atrium Part 3

“After their worldly Guidance, Tovak, died and Rialla’s Harbour was left without leadership, who else but Lena would dare say that they’re going to lead it as its new, folk-chosen head? Then to start harboring the likes of us – rebels and dissidents, maybes and ginnels – while her right to be there was still being questioned. Well, I guess shame on us for not seeing the day they built those barricades and declared themselves a free ward coming. That really was the start of things…”

Embrace 02: Atrium Part 2

“I’m getting ahead of myself though. I’m talking about Atrium and you’ve got no idea what or where that is.

Back then it was a forgotten sort of place, a few faded streets, not even a ward in its own right. All of Embrace had its weirdness from our departed remnants to deal with, but Atrium – jammed between the docks and the Tear, the Jackals and the Castings – had more than most.”

Embrace 01: Atrium Part 1

“Belka, you asked me before about my exile, about how I came to join Vilte’s parish, about why I left Embrace. I think I’m just about ready to tell that story. Now, there’s a lot to hear – about the revolution, about the Ginnels and the Swifts, the bastard nim Shifs and the defiant Maybes.

First though, let’s start with what’s important: that city is a fucking hole.”

A Quick Announcement and Q&A Link

Hi everyone! We’ve got no new episode this week. We were planning on editing together the Q&A we recorded a couple of weeks back on Twitch, but we had some technical glitches. Instead, we’ve put the full recording on our youtube channel for people to watch. Hopefully, we’ll be able to edit the Q&A at some point in the future for people to listen to as a podcast episode, but for now, we’re moving onto the production of Embrace.

Tiding 32: Last Words

“Those who could rushed to the borders, carrying Cenja’s secrets with them. That which was left behind, Grafan buried – so deep as to never be disinterred. Duier’s great library was unwritten, given to Belka, the only person used to carrying such sorrow. Its buildings were torn down, gravestones shattered, engravings uncarved themselves. 

One by one its envoys became a part of Duier once more. Then, when it could hold Corpus back no longer, it brought about its own end. Keen, once a priest of a ghostly moon, saw to both of their unravellings”

Tiding 31: Eulogy

C/W: Death
“…Belka, when the earth around it has dried too completely to sustain it, the stone fern gathers up its leaves close and pulls up its own roots from the earth – we cannot hear the cries of plants, but we must assume that it hurts it some to do so – but still it does so, and it lets the winds take it with them until it finds what it is looking for. And perhaps it settles there or moves on again and again, but each time it must it takes the risk – because staying where the dry stone sucks the life away from it is undoubtedly the worst fate it can imagine”

– Karuum, the Heart of Growth

Tiding 30: A Drift

“Tomorrow we’re going camping! Bris promised forever ago and is finally going to take us. It’ll be me and Korrin, but Venz, Belka and Femrir are coming too. I’m not sure how many tents we’re taking, or even if we’re taking tents. I hope Bris doesn’t try to make us sleep outside again.

It’s going to be great. Bris says that she’s going to show us a waterfall and teach us about some of the plants and animals she’s found. I’m going to add them all to the book. Maybe I’ll even be able to come up with some new recipes too!”

     – Challa